Literatura k článku Taje použití kyseliny šťavelové

Eliška Pinďáková

2/2025, strana 21

Literatura  k článku.


1.           Krejčí AB, Votýpková K, Lukeš J, Votýpka J. Varroa destructor. Trends in Parasitology. 2023;39(6):487-8.

2.           Han B, Wu J, Wei Q, Liu F, Cui L, Rueppell O, et al. Life-history stage determines the diet of ectoparasitic mites on their honey bee hosts. Nature Communications. 2024;15(1):725.

3.           Rosenkranz P, Aumeier P, Ziegelmann B. Biology and control of Varroa destructor. Journal of invertebrate pathology. 2010;103:S96-S119.

4.           Ramsey SD, Ochoa R, Bauchan G, Gulbronson C, Mowery JD, Cohen A, et al. Varroa destructor feeds primarily on honey bee fat body tissue and not hemolymph. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2019;116(5):1792-801.

5.           Albero B, Miguel E, García-Valcárcel AI. Acaricide residues in beeswax. Implications in honey, brood and honeybee. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 2023;195(4):454.

6.           Martel A-C, Zeggane S, Aurières C, Drajnudel P, Faucon J-P, Aubert M. Acaricide residues in honey and wax after treatment of honey bee colonies with Apivar $^{\circledR} $ or Asuntol $^{\circledR} $50. Apidologie. 2007;38(6):534-44.

7.           Bogdanov S, Kilchenmann V, Imdorf A. Acaricide residues in some bee products. Journal of apicultural research. 1998;37(2):57-67.

8.           Wilmart O, Legrève A, Scippo M-L, Reybroeck W, Urbain B, de Graaf DC, et al. Residues in beeswax: a health risk for the consumer of honey and beeswax? Journal of agricultural and food chemistry. 2016;64(44):8425-34.

9.           Maggi M, Damiani N, Ruffinengo SR, Brasesco MC, Szawarski N, Mitton GA, et al. The susceptibility of Varroa destructor against oxalic acid: a study case. 2016.

10.         Bogdanov S, Charrière J-D, Imdorf A, Kilchenmann V, Fluri P. Determination of residues in honey after treatments with formic and oxalic acid under field conditions. Apidologie. 2002;33(4):399-409.

11.         Berry JA, Bartlett LJ, Bruckner S, Baker C, Braman SK, Delaplane KS, et al. Assessing Repeated Oxalic Acid Vaporization in Honey Bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Colonies for Control of the Ectoparasitic Mite Varroa destructor. J Insect Sci. 2022;22(1).

12.         Budavari S. The Merck Index: An Encyclopedia of Chemicals, Drugs, Andbiolog Icals: Merck; 1989.

13.         Papežíková I, Palíková M, Kremserová S, Zachová A, Peterová H, Babák V, et al. Effect of oxalic acid on the mite Varroa destructor and its host the honey bee Apis mellifera. Journal of Apicultural Research. 2017;56(4):400-8.

14.         Aliano NP, Ellis MD, Siegfried BD. Acute contact toxicity of oxalic acid to Varroa destructor (Acari: Varroidae) and their Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae) hosts in laboratory bioassays. J Econ Entomol. 2006;99(5):1579-82.

15.         Nozal MJ, Bernal JL, Gómez LA, Higes M, Meana A. Determination of oxalic acid and other organic acids in honey and in some anatomic structures of bees. Apidologie. 2003;34(2):181-8.

16.         Milani N. Activity of oxalic and citric acids on the mite Varroa destructor in laboratory assays. Apidologie. 2001;32(2):127-38.

17.         Schneider S, Eisenhardt D, Rademacher E. Sublethal effects of oxalic acid on Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae): changes in behaviour and longevity. Apidologie. 2012;43:218-25.

18.         Rademacher E, Harz M. Oxalic acid for the control of varroosis in honey bee colonies–a review. Apidologie. 2006;37(1):98-120.

19.         Al Toufailia H, Scandian L, Ratnieks FL. Towards integrated control of varroa: 2) comparing application methods and doses of oxalic acid on the mortality of phoretic Varroa destructor mites and their honey bee hosts. Journal of Apicultural Research. 2015;54(2):108-20.

20.         Nanetti A, Büchler R, Charrière J, Friesd I, Helland S, Imdorf A. Oxalic acid treatments for varroa control (a review). Apiacta. 2003;38(1):81-7.

21.         Maggi M, Tourn E, Negri P, Szawarski N, Marconi A, Gallez L, et al. A new formulation of oxalic acid for Varroa destructor control applied in Apis mellifera colonies in the presence of brood. Apidologie. 2016;47:596-605.

22.         Toomemaa K, Martin A-J, Williams IH. The effect of different concentrations of oxalic acid in aqueous and sucrose solution on Varroa mites and honey bees. Apidologie. 2010;41(6):643-53.

23.         Charriére J-D, Imdorf A. Oxalic acid treatment by trickling against Varroa destructor: recommendations for use in central Europe and under temperate climate conditions. Bee world. 2002;83(2):51-60.

24.         Rademacher E, Harz M, Schneider S. Effects of oxalic acid on Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Insects. 2017;8(3):84.

25.         Gregorc A, Pogacnik A, Bowen ID. Cell death in honeybee (

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26.         Hatjina F, Haristos L. Indirect effects of oxalic acid administered by trickling method on honey bee brood. Journal of apicultural research. 2005;44(4):172-4.

27.         Sabová L, Sobeková A, Staroň M, Sabo R, Legáth J, Staroňová D, et al. Toxicity of oxalic acid and impact on some antioxidant enzymes on in vitro–reared honeybee larvae. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2019;26:19763-9.

28.         Brodschneider R, Brus J, Danihlík J. Comparison of apiculture and winter mortality of honey bee colonies (Apis mellifera) in Austria and Czechia. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 2019;274:24-32.

29.         Brodschneider R, Schlagbauer J, Arakelyan I, Ballis A, Brus J, Brusbardis V, et al. Spatial clusters of Varroa destructor control strategies in Europe. Journal of Pest Science. 2023;96(2):759-83.

30.         Imdorf A, Charrière J-D, Kilchenmann V, Bogdanov S, Fluri P. Alternative strategy in central Europe for the control of Varroa destructor in honey bee colonies. Apiacta. 2003;38(3):258-78.

31.         Bartlett LJ, Baker C, Bruckner S, Delaplane KS, Hackmeyer EJ, Phankaew C, et al. No evidence to support the use of glycerol-oxalic acid mixtures delivered via paper towel for controlling Varroa destructor (Mesostigmata: Varroidae) mites in the Southeast United States. J Insect Sci. 2023;23(6).

32.         Kanelis D, Tananaki C, Liolios V, Rodopoulou MA. Evaluation of oxalic acid with glycerin efficacy against Varroa destructor (Varroidae): a four year assay. Journal of Apicultural Research. 2023:1-9.